I am very pleased to announce that Women's Cricket Blog have agreed a deal with
B3 Cricket, who will be the first ever sponsors of the Women's Cricket Blog website.

I have known about B3 for sometime, as they have in the past sponsored some of the girls who play county cricket and above. I first looked them up about 12 months ago and I liked the fact that they make their bats themselves, and that you can fully customize your bat, without breaking the bank. This is particularly important for girls and women, who suffer when they play with bats that are much too heavy for them. Most adult bats are now 2lbs 8oz and above. These are just too heavy for most females. A bat weight of 2lbs 4oz to 2lbs 7oz is much more appropriate for the average adult female. If you are playing junior cricket then it should be even lighter.
If you have not seen their website it is worth a look (click here) - it is refreshingly clean and simple and if you want to get a flavour of what B3 are all about then it is also worth having a look at their online video.

There are plenty of bat makers out there for you to choose from, but if you are serious about your cricket we don't think you can get any better than B3 Cricket.
It doesn't matter where you are in the UK or abroad, they can make you a bat and get it sent to you. You even get to choose handle size, shape, and colour and the colour of the stickers on your bat - it won't make it work any better, but you will look the bees knees.
We are very grateful for the support that B3 Cricket are giving WCB and their obvious commitment to ensuring that women and girls get the bats that they need to play cricket to the best of their abilities. The bottom line is they care about what they produce and I like that.
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